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Günther Bechem, Pilota di F1


21 dicembre 1921
3 maggio 2011 (89)
Lorenzo Bandini (21 dicembre 1935)

Acquista la merce Günther Bechem Acquista la merce Günther Bechem


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2 (100%)
1952 German Grand Prix
1953 German Grand Prix


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circa Günther Bechem

Karl-Günther Bechem (alias: "Bernhard Nacke") (21 December 1921 – 3 May 2011) was a racing driver from Germany.

Bechem started out in sports car racing before competing in Formula One in the 1952 German Grand Prix, driving a BMW under the alias "Bernhard Nacke". He failed to finish the race, and so did not score any World Championship points. He continued driving an ex-Karl Gommann AFM-BMW (chassis 50–5) in Formula One in 1953, at AVUS and then in the German Grand Prix at Nürburgring, again failing to finish. He was more successful in sports car racing with the Borgward team.

In 1954 Bechem crashed heavily while competing in the Carrera Panamericana, and although he recovered fully from his injuries, he never raced again at this high level.

fonte: Wikipedia


1952, 1953,

posizioni di finitura

posizioni in griglia

vince Günther Bechem

# evento costruttore

pole position Günther Bechem

# evento costruttore

squadre & compagne di squadra Günther Bechem

stagione compagno di squadra
1952 Ernst Klodwig
Marcel Balsa
Rudolf Krause
BMW confrontare 1952
1953 Theo Fitzau
Hans von Stuck
AFM confrontare 1953
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Günther Bechem, Pilota di F1

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