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BRP, costruttore F1

dati generali


Acquista la merce BRP Acquista la merce BRP


0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
11 (0.3 media punti per gara)
0 (0%)
9 (23.7%)
1963 Belgian Grand Prix
1964 Mexican Grand Prix


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circa BRP

British Racing Partnership (BRP) was a racing team, and latterly constructor, from the United Kingdom. It was established by Alfred Moss and Ken Gregory — Stirling Moss's father and former manager respectively — in 1957 to run cars for Stirling, when not under contract with other firms, along with other up-and-coming drivers.

fonte: Wikipedia


1963, 1964,

posizioni di finitura

posizioni in griglia

campionati piloti

campionati costruttori

vince BRP

# evento pilota

pole position BRP

# evento pilota

conducenti che hanno guidato per BRP

# pilota
1 Innes Ireland
2 Trevor Taylor
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BRP, costruttore F1

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