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Sergio Mantovani, pilote de F1


22 mai 1929
23 fvrier 2001 (71)
Pedro Diniz (22 mai 1970)

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0 (0%)
0 (0%)
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4 (0.5 points par course en moyenne)
2 (25%)
1953 Italian Grand Prix
1955 Argentine Grand Prix


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environ Sergio Mantovani

Sergio Mantovani (May 22, 1929 - February 23, 2001) was a racing driver from Milan, Italy. He entered 8 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix, debuting on September 13, 1953. He started 7 of those races, all for Maserati. His best results were two fifth-place finishes, and he scored a total of 4 championship points. In non-Championship F1 events, he finished third in the Syracuse and Rome Grands Prix in 1954.

After he lost a leg in a crash during practice for the Valentino Grand Prix in 1955, Mantovani retired and became involved with the Italian Sporting Commission.

la source: Wikipedia


1953, 1954, 1955,

positions de finition

positions de la grille

gagne Sergio Mantovani

# événement constructeur

pole positions Sergio Mantovani

# événement constructeur
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Sergio Mantovani, pilote de F1

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