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Green vs Manzon in 1950

Compare Formula 1 drivers Cecil Green, Robert Manzon in season(s) 1950. Compare these or other drivers with one another at various seasons. All their races, results, wins, polepositions, championships and DNFs.


1950 statistics

Cecil Green Kurtis Kraft Robert Manzon Simca
1 3
18th 16th
4th 4th
0 0
0 0
0 0
3 3
137 68
0 2
Johnnie Parsons (add to comparison)
Joie Chitwood (add to comparison)
Walt Faulkner (add to comparison)
Pat Flaherty (add to comparison)
Mack Hellings (add to comparison)
Jack McGrath (add to comparison)
Johnny McDowell (add to comparison)
Walt Brown (add to comparison)
Jerry Hoyt (add to comparison)
Fred Agabashian (add to comparison)
Jimmy Jackson (add to comparison)
Sam Hanks (add to comparison)
Tony Bettenhausen (add to comparison)
Duke Dinsmore (add to comparison)
Maurice Trintignant (add to comparison)
4,00 4,00
12,00 11,00

extra data

season path 1950

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Green vs Manzon in 1950

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