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Ashley vs Facetti vs Koinigg in 1974

Compare Formula 1 drivers Ian Ashley, Carlo Facetti, Helmuth Koinigg in season(s) 1974. Compare these or other drivers with one another at various seasons. All their races, results, wins, polepositions, championships and DNFs.


1974 statistics

Ian Ashley Token Carlo Facetti Brabham Helmuth Koinigg Brabham
4 1 3
36th 57th 40th
14th 0 10th
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
59 0 87
3 1 2
Tom Pryce (add to comparison)
David Purley (add to comparison)
Carlos Reutemann (add to comparison)
John Watson (add to comparison)
Richard Robarts (add to comparison)
Rikky von Opel (add to comparison)
Teddy Pilette (add to comparison)
Gérard Larrousse (add to comparison)
Carlos Pace (add to comparison)
Lella Lombardi (add to comparison)
Helmuth Koinigg
Carlo Facetti
Eppie Wietzes (add to comparison)
Carlos Reutemann (add to comparison)
John Watson (add to comparison)
Richard Robarts (add to comparison)
Rikky von Opel (add to comparison)
Teddy Pilette (add to comparison)
Gérard Larrousse (add to comparison)
Carlos Pace (add to comparison)
Lella Lombardi (add to comparison)
Helmuth Koinigg
Eppie Wietzes (add to comparison)
Ian Ashley
Carlos Reutemann (add to comparison)
John Watson (add to comparison)
Richard Robarts (add to comparison)
Rikky von Opel (add to comparison)
Teddy Pilette (add to comparison)
Gérard Larrousse (add to comparison)
Lella Lombardi (add to comparison)
Carlo Facetti
Eppie Wietzes (add to comparison)
Ian Ashley
Carlos Pace (add to comparison)
Jochen Mass (add to comparison)
Leo Kinnunen (add to comparison)
José Dolhem (add to comparison)
Derek Bell (add to comparison)
Dieter Quester (add to comparison)
Jean-Pierre Jabouille (add to comparison)
14,00 0,00 10,00
11,00 0,00 15,00

extra data

season path 1974

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Ashley vs Facetti vs Koinigg in 1974

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