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Gibson vs Hartley vs Ward in 1957

Compare Formula 1 drivers Dick Gibson, Gene Hartley, Rodger Ward in season(s) 1957. Compare these or other drivers with one another at various seasons. All their races, results, wins, polepositions, championships and DNFs.


1957 statistics

Dick Gibson Cooper Gene Hartley Lesovsky Rodger Ward Lesovsky
1 1 1
37th 63rd 58th
0 10th 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
3 200 27
1 0 1
Jack Brabham (add to comparison)
Les Leston (add to comparison)
Mike MacDowel (add to comparison)
Roy Salvadori (add to comparison)
Bob Gerard (add to comparison)
Brian Naylor (add to comparison)
Tony Marsh (add to comparison)
Paul England (add to comparison)
Rodger Ward
Gene Hartley
0,00 10,00 0,00
24,00 14,00 24,00

extra data

season path 1957

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Gibson vs Hartley vs Ward in 1957

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